Nfc Interactor 2.0 – App Search and Professional Features

Several of the new features in Nfc Interactor 2.0 have been requested by our users – thanks a lot for your feedback! In addition, we added a lot of possibilities for professional users. A quick overview of what’s new:

Nfc Interactor 2.0 - Store SearchEasier App Launching: Store Search for 3rd Party Apps

The most requested improvement was to make launching apps easier – done!

Choose the “LaunchApp (generic)” record and enter a search term (app name, publisher or keyword). Nfc Interactor will show you a list of all matching apps, retrieved live from the WP store.

Tap on the app you’d like the tag to launch – Nfc Interactor automatically inserts its ID to the tag composer; all you need to do is to write the tag and start launching any app with a simple tap!

Nfc Interactor 2.0 - Context MenuEditing and Cloning Tags

One of the most useful features – tap and hold on a parsed message to open the new context menu:

  • Edit: open the message contents in the tag composer, so that you can edit the contents of the tag you have just read.
  • Clone: directly copy the NDEF message you just read from a tag to another NFC tag!
  • View raw bytes: shows the whole NDEF message as a hex string.
  • Copy to clipboard: copies the parsed NDEF message / the raw bytes hex string to the clipboard.
  • Send via email: share the message details and its raw data hex string, so that you can for example analyze its contents later at home on your PC!

Nfc Interactor 2.0 - Order TagsOrder Tags

We have received many questions on which tags work best for Windows Phone. This is especially tricky, as WP can only use standardized, NDEF formatted tags.

Many NFC tags you can buy are either not compatible or not usable right away, as they are completely empty and need to be formatted – which is not supported by the WP operating system.

Therefore, we’ve partnered with two of the most reliable NFC tag manufacturers: RapidNFC and TagAge. Order 100% WP compatible tags in various packages, with worldwide shipping and a great price!

Professional Features

Some of our users need the app to work on a much lower level – Nfc Interactor is the only WP NFC app that can write multiple records to a tag (on WP this is useful for developers only) and allows creating custom NDEF records by manually specifying type name format, type and payload.

With version 2.0, we just added a bunch of new advanced features:

  • NDEF Importer Tool: parse a supplied hex string into a complete NDEF message right in the tag composer page.
  • Hex payload for custom records: in addition to the text editor, you can now provide an arbitrary payload for a custom record through a hex string.
  • .nfc / .ndef file associations: launches Nfc Interactor from files, and parses their contents right into the tag composer. File contents can either be the raw bytes of the NDEF message or the contents as a hex string – Nfc Interactor will automatically detect the right format.
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By Andreas Jakl

Andreas Jakl is working as Mobility Evangelist at Tieto, to bring the business partner’s vision for mobile app strategies to life. In addition, he is organizing the Mobile Developer After-Work event series together with the community, where expert developers share their knowledge with plenty of time for networking. As Microsoft MVP for Windows Platform Development (Most Valuable Professional), he is also running developer trainings and workshops.