Lumia App Lab NFC Webinar

Title slide of the Lumia App Labs WebinarOn January 30th + 31st, I was presenting the “Lumia App Labs #8: Developing NFC Apps in Windows Phone 8” webinar for Nokia Developer.

You can now download the finished example apps that I was demonstrating during the session:

  • NFC Rock Paper Scissors – Solution
    Demonstrates the PeerFinder API to easily and quickly create a multiplayer game – connect the phones via NFC by tapping, wait for a second until the phones have connected via Bluetooth, and you’re ready to play!
  • NfcShare – Solution
    Includes several key use cases of NFC on Windows Phone, including:
    Capturing and sharing a photo via NFC
    Sharing a URL to another device
    Register the app to launch via a custom URI scheme
    Write a tag that contains the custom URI scheme
    Subscribe for reading a URL tag

The slides are available for download at Slideshare – download the PDF version to view them in highest quality!